Abu Hurairah, radiyallahu 'anhu, reported that the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, said:
“Verily Allah the Exalted is pure. He does not accept but that which is pure. Allah commands the believers with what He commanded the Messengers. Allah the Almighty has said: "O you Messengers! Eat of the good things and act righteously" [23:51-53]. And Allah the Almighty also said: "O you who believe! Eat of the good things that We have provided you with" [2:167-172]. Then he (the Prophet) mentioned (the case of) the man who, having journeyed far, is dishevelled and dusty and who stretches out his hands to the sky (saying): "O Lord! O Lord!" (while) his food was unlawful, his drink was unlawful, his clothing was unlawful, and he is nourished with unlawful things, so how can he be answered?”
Hadith 11
Being Cautious of The Doubtful
On the authority of Abu Muhammad al-Hasan ibn Ali ibn Abee Talib (may Allah be pleased with him), the grandson of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), and the one much loved by him, who said: I memorized from the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him):
“Leave what makes you doubtful for what does not.”
Key Takeaways
One: Wholesomeness & Yaqin
Wholesomeness (al tayyib) involves yaqin (immense believe) in Allah's provision for our wordly needs so that we can focus on our pursuits of the Hereafter.
Two: Being More Vigilant With Our Consumption
It is important therefore that we start looking more discriminately at our consumption: food, drink, clothing and ultimately, our source of income because we cannot afford to have our prayers to be rejected.
Three: Prohibition comes in two forms
a) Prohibition in all things forbidden by religion eg pork and liquor
b) Prohibition in things that will cause harm to ourselves eg the consumption of excessive sugar for a diabetic person
Four: The Importance of Scrupulousness
This ties in well with the hadith on scrupulousness as scrupulousness will make us more careful in our daily decisions eg performing work with amanah (trustworthiness) out of fear that our source of income becomes divorced from blessings.
Fifth: The importance of husnu-dzon (thinking well of one's ultimate condition)
Ultimately, one's prayers can still be accepted despite his shortcomings because it is possible that Allah accepts out of His generosity, kindness and nobleness.
Dan tidak ada orang yang rakus akan dunia melainkan orang yang buta hatinya There will be none who are greedy of worldly affairs except those whose hearts are blind
Maka beruntunglah dan sungguh beruntung bagi siapa yang berhati-hati daridunia Lucky are those who are careful with this world
وَطَلَّقَهَا وَفِي طَاعَةِ الرَّحْمنِ شَمَرْ
Wa tholaqaha wa fi tho'ahir rahmani tsamar
Dan menceraikannya (dunia), dan bersiap-siap menuju kepada ketaatan Allah And distinguish themselves from worldly matters to prepare themselves to face Allah
Kepada mereka dengan penuh perhatian maka semua permintaannya akan dipermudahkan To them with much concern. Truly their hopes would be granted with ease
هذه الفصيدة ياعالم السر منا Haza Qasidah Ya ‘Alimas Sirri Minna
يا عالم السر منا لا تهتك الستر عنا
Yâ ‘alimas sirri minna, la tahtikas-sitra ‘anna
O Knower of our secrets,
do not remove (your) protective veil from us;
وعافنا واعف عنا وکن لنا حيث کنا
Wa ‘afina wa’fu ‘anna, wa kul lana hayts kunna
Exempt us, forgive us, and be there for us wherever we are.
يا رب يا عالم الحال إليك وجهت الآمال
Ya robbi ya ‘alimal hal, ilaika wajjahatal mal
O my Lord! Knower of our condition, I direct my hopes to You.
فامنن علينا بالإقبال وکن لنا واصلح البال
Famnun ‘alaina bil iqbal, wa kul lana washlihil bal
Grace us with your Attention, be with us, and set right our affairs.
يا رب يارب الأرباب عبدك فقيرك علی الباب
Ya rabbi ya rabbil arbab, ‘abduk faqiruk ‘alal bab
O my lord! Lord of all lords! Your bondsman, your destitute one is at Your door
اتی وقد بت الأسباب مستدرکا بعد مامال
Ata waqod battal asbab, mustadrika ba’da mamal
He has come while all causes have been severed, realising the error of his ways after having faltered
يا واسع الجود جودك فالخير خيرك وعندك
Ya wasi’al judi judak, fal khoiru khoiruk wa ‘indak
O Most Generous, we appeal to Your Kindness. All good is Yours, and what comes from You;
فوق الذی رام عبدك فادرك برحمتك فی الحال
Fauqolladzi rom ‘abdak, fadrik birohmatik fil hal
Grant more than Your servant has aimed for; save me through Your Mercy at this very instance.
يا موجد الخلق طرا وموسع الکل برا
Ya mujidal kholqi thurro, wa musi’al kulli birro
O Originator of Creation, Your Goodness suffices all existence,
أسئلك اسبال سترا علی القبائح والأخطال
As-alukas-bala sitro, ‘alal qabah wal akhthol
I beg of You to cover up our vile deeds and idle speech.
يا من يری سر قلبی حسبی اطلاعك حسبی
Ya man yaro sirro qolbi, hasbithila’uka hasbi
O Seer of the secrets of my heart, it is enough for me that You look at me,
فامح بعفوك ذنبی واصلح قصودی والأعمال
Famhu bi’afwika dzanbi, washlih qushudi wal a’mal
Wipe away my sins with Your Forgiveness, and set my intentions and actions aright.
رب عليك اعتمادی گما إليك استنادی
Robbi ‘alaika’timadi, kama ilaikas-tinadi
O my Lord! I rely on You, just as much as I depend on You,
صدقا واقصی مرادی رضاؤك الدائم الحال
Shidqon wa aqsho murodi, ridlo-ukad da-imal hal
Truly, my utmost desire is Your Eternal Satisfaction.
يارب يارب إنی اسألك العفو عنی
Ya robbi ya robbi inni, as-alukal ‘afwa ‘annî
O my Lord! O my Lord! I beg Your pardon.
ولن يخيب فيك ظنی يامالك الملك ياوال
Wa lan ya-khib fika dhonni, ya malikal mulki ya wal
My good opinion of You will never waiver, O Sovereign, King of the Dominion.
أشکو إليك وأبکی من شؤم ظلمی وإفکی
Asyku ilaika wa abki, min syu'mi zulmi wa ifki
I complain to You and I cry over my wrongdoings and falsehoods,
وسوء فعلی وترکی وشهوة القيل والقال
Wa su-i fi’li wa tarki, wa syahwatal qil wal qol
My evil deeds and negligence, my lust for idle gossip.
وحب دنيا ذميمة من کل خير عقيمة
Wa hubbi dunya dzamimah, min kulli khoirin ‘aqimah
And my love for this wicked world which is barren of all virtue,
فيها البلايا مقيمة وحشوها افات واشغال
Fîhal balaya muqimah, wa hasywuha fat wasyghol
Loaded with calamities, filled with troubles and distractions.
يا ويح نفسی الغوية عن السبيل السوية
Ya wayha nafsil ghowiyyah, ‘anis-sabilis sawiyyah
Woe upon my deviating soul, straying from the right path,
أضحت تروج علی وقصدها الجاه والمال
Adhat turowwij ‘alayya, wa qoshduhal jah wal mal
Goading me on to chase after fame and fortune.
يارب قد غلبتنی وبالأمانی سبتنی
Ya robbi qod gholabatni, wa bil amani sabatni
O my Lord it has overpowered me and imprisoned me with desires,
وفی الحظوظ گبتنی وقيدتنی بالأکبال
Wa fil hud-hudhi kabatni, wa qayyadatni bil akbal
It subdues me with prosperity, and shackles me in chains.
قد استعنتك ربی علی مداومة قلبی
Qodista 'antuka robbi, ‘ala mudawamat qolbi (3x)
I beg You, O my Lord, cure my heart.
وحل عقدة گربی فانظر إلی الغم ينجال
Wa halli ‘uqdati karbi, fandhur ilal ghommi yanjal (3x)
Release me from distress; look (kindly) on my sorrow and dispel it.
يارب ياخير گافی احلل علينا العوافی
Ya robbi ya khoiro kafî, ahlul ‘alaynal ‘awafî O my Lord! Your Goodness suffices us. Grace us with well being.
فليس شيء ثم خافی عليك تفصيل واجمال
Falaisa syai, tsamma khofî, ‘alaika tafshil wajmal
There is nothing in existence, whether general or specific, hidden from Your Sight.
يخشي أليم عذابك, يا رب عبدك ببابك
Ya rabbi ‛abduk bibabik, yakhsha alima 'adzhabik
O my Lord! Your bondsman is at Your door, fearing the pain of Your Punishment,
و يرتجي لثوابك, و غيث رحمتك هطال
Wa yartaji lisaw-wabik, wa ghaythu raḥmatik hattal.
Longing for Your Reward when the relief of Your Mercy rains down.
و قد أتاك بعذره, و انكساره و فقره
Wa qad ataka bi‛udhrih, wa inkisarih wa faqrih,
Coming to You with an apology, humble and poor.
فاهزم بيسرك عسره, بمحض جودك و الأفضال
Fahzim biyusrika ‛usrih, bimaḥḍ judik wal’afḍal
So with your Felicity, Generosity, and sheer Favour, ease the supplicant’s distress.
و امنن عليه بتوبة, تغسله من كل حوبة
Wamnun ‛alayhi bitawbah, taghsilhu min kulli ḥawbah.
And bless him to repent in such a way that it will wash away his sins,
و اعصمه من شر أو به, لكل ما عنه قد حا
Wa‛asimhu min sharri awbah, likulli ma ‛anhu qad hal
And keep him from relapsing into evil, which he has resolved to turn away from.
فأنت مولى الموالي, المنفرد بالكمال
Fa’anta mawlal mawali, almunfarid bilkamali
You are the Sovereign of all Sovereigns, Alone in Perfection.
و بالعلى و التعالي, علوت عن ضرب الأمثال
Wa bil‛ulā watta‛ali, ‛alawta ‛an ḍarbil amthal.
In Exaltation and Sublimity, You transcend all comparison.
جودك و فضلك يرجى, و بطشك و قهرك يخشى
Juduk wa faḍluk wa yurja, wa baṭshuk wa qahruk Yukhsha
Your Generosity, Bounty, and Munificence are longed for. Your Punishment and coercive Power are feared.
و ذكرك و شكرك لازم, و حمدك و الاجلال
wa dhikruk wa shukruk lazim wa ḥamduk wal’ijlāl.
You are forever worthy of Remembrance, Thanks, Praise, and Exaltation.
يا رب أنت نصيري, فلقني كل خير
Ya rabbi anta nasiri, falaqqini kulla khayri.
O my Lord! You are my Helper, so allow me to meet with all good.
و اجعل جنانك مصيري, و اختم بالإيمان الآجال
Waj'al jinanak masiri, wakhtim bil’imanil ajal.
Make Your Paradise my destination, and bring my life to a close upon faith.
و صَلِ في كل حالة , علي مزيل الضلالهْ
Wa salli fi kulli ḥalah, ‛ala mazilid dalalah.
And bestow Your Salutations always upon the dispeller of misguidance,
من كلمته الغزالة , محمد الهادي الدال
Man kullamathulghazalah, Muhammadinil hadiddal.
Whom the gazelle has spoken to: Muḥammad, the guide.
و الحمد لله شُكرا , على نعم منه تترى
Walhamdu lillahi shukra, ‛ala ni‛ami minhu tatra.
Praise and Thanks be to Allāh for His boundless Bounties.
نحمده سرًا و جهرًا , و بالغدو و الآصال
Nahmadhu sirran wa jahra, wa bilghadaya wal’asal.
We Praise Him secretly and openly, day and night.